Sunday, 11 October 2015

Martiage 1+1=2 wrong!

Common Individuality in Marriage - part one

Just enjoying my sunday evening and so I took up this meditation.

"In marriage: 1+1 = 1"
I have a problem with this general maxim. I do not think it is correct. They said it is God's algebra of marriage but how can we associate a completely wrong mathematics to God? While trying to meditate over it, I realized that this is one of the problems that marriages are having today. We cannot promote a wrong teaching and have a right result. Let's try to get it right in the spirit of meekness.

1. There's no reference of this maxim anywhere in the scriptures. So, we can take it as man's understanding of marriage and not God's and so we should not attribute the mathematics to God.

2. The number "1" is a number of unity. It is a whole number, that is a complete number.

3. A single brother is incomplete. Yes, without a wife he is just a half and within him he is incomplete and is searching for his other half - the perfect woman that would fill the vacum in his heart and make him complete. He would not stop until he finds his missing rib, that part of him that makes him complete. This same search goes on in the single sisters too. They're both searching for their better half.

4. So, a single brother or sister is not a whole, he/she is a half searching for the other half. When this other half is found then they would be wedded for wholeness. Marriage is two incomplete people coming together to make one complete person. So, our maxim should be '1/2 + 1/2 = 1'. This is a better mathematics that can be attributed to God.

5. What is the implication of saying 1+1 =1? It gives the impression that since the brother or sister is an adult at a marriageable age, he is complete and OK. This understanding makes him/her self sufficient. He takes decisions without the wife and the wife executes her plans without involving him. But when you understand that you're only incomplete without each other, you would consult, collaborate and depend on one another. Without the husband, the wife is incomplete and without the wife, the husband is incomplete. When you get married, you loose your individuality and take up a common personality. Once you loose this common personality in agreements at home, you return to a half, incomplete person. Just like in Col 2:10 which explains that without Christ we are incomplete, so also without your spouse, you are incomplete.

Well, am just enjoying my sunday evening. What do you think about this?

Copyright Lovelift broadcast 2015.

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