If we apply a Christian world view to our concept of work,it takes a greater significance within the kingdom of God.
Many Christians hold a decidedly un biblical view of work,.some view it as a curse or at least as part of d curse of living in a fallen world. Others make a false distinction between what they perceive as d sacred (serving God) and the secular(serving everything n else).while others make it into an idol,expecting it to provide them with their identity nd purpose in life,as well as being a source of joy nd fulfillment that only God can provide.
In an excellent book titled "Your work matters to God"Sherman nd william Hendricks expose d wrong ways of thinking abt work nd explain how God invests work with intrinsic value nd honour. Rick warren echoes this idea in his book titled "The purpose driven life" he said,"Work becomes worship when u dedicate it to God nd perform it with an awareness of his presence.
Those who hold a secular view of work believe that life is divided into 2 disconnected parts. God is in one spiritual dimension and work is
In the other real dimension and the two have nothing to do with each other
God stays in his corner of the universe ,while i go to work nd live my life and these different realms never interact
One problem with this secular view is that;it sets us up 4 disappointment. If u leave God out of d picture,you'll have to get your sense of importance,fulfilment nd reward else where
The secular view of work tends to make an idol of career. Career becomes the number one priority in your life. Your relationship with God takes a back seat,family and even your relationship with other people takes a back seat to work. Everytin gets filtered through the question.."what impact will this have on my career?"
The secular view of work leaves God out of the system.This is particularly un acceptable for christians;because God calls us to make him the center of our lives. He wants us to have a biblical world view that weaves him into every aspect of our lives,including work.he wants to be invited into our work.he wants to be lord in our work.
1) To make a living-2 Chess 3:12. Now such persons we command nd exhort in d lord jesus christ to do their work in quietness to earn their own living.
2) To provide for our house hold Prov. 31:27.she looks well to the ways of her household nd does not eat d bread of idleness.
3) To bless others- Eph 4:28. Let the thief no longer steal,bt rather let him labour doing honest work with his hands,so that he may be able to give to those in need.
4) To increase in wealth- Prov 13:11. Wealth hastily gotten will dwindle,but he who gathers little by little will increase it
NOTE: These ordinary looking reasons for work are God's commands. There is nothing super spiritual about it .It is just d Christian way to live.
No job is secular,all work is the lords work b'cos we are christians.sumtyms a christian feels called to d ministry and refuses to work b'cos "they are seeking the ministry" or "being led by d lord".but this is never found in d bible. It is false spirituality.even d Apostles supported themselves by manual labour when situation demanded it. The church body did provide for its recognized leaders,but it was absolutely clear that a minister of d lord shld provide his own living if he was not being supported by d church.
Want a job to fulfill you- work is not there to please u. Fulfillment comes in d lord when u work as unto him. Anytin else is idolatry.
Please,learn to draw your pleasure from him nd he will make u clean till you get it right..HGMT.NG
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