Saturday, 25 April 2015

You are carrying another's Answer to Prayers


Have you noticed how some people instinctively mention God when you give or do something graciously for them?

They say stuff like:
"Oh thank you Jesus...God bless you, my brother/sister"

Then they excitedly tell some people about it...some even testify in church :D

The truth is that they just might have been praying hard for His grace and provision so they intuitively thank Him when it comes... through you

We are answers to people's prayers...we just haven't realised it yet.

...You see that house you've kept under lock and key? Someone might be battling with the thought of becoming homeless soon with his family just cos he can't afford rent...

...You see that car you have parked in your garage for months now? Someone might go to his/her grave without ever sitting on a car's drivers seat and yet it could help him/her reduce the trekking and reach places faster
... You see that money you blow on an overpriced item or frequent holidays you make abroad? It could set up and establish a young man's dream which he may dream till it dies due to lack of support

We are holding and walking with the answers to people's prayers. The answers to our own prayers are also a 'man/woman' away....

Let's pray to God above and look within to be the answer to the next man's prayer... Our answers will walk to us from within too.

God answers our prayers by sending someone to us - He sent Jesus to give us the ULTIMATE help... He created us as solutions which we can be to others. Remember He is a solution provider and created us in His likeness to be that too

He also answers other people's prayers by enabling and sending us to be of help to them too!

Whatever you may want to do...Be an answer to other people's prayer...Knock off some items off their prayer points by helping .... This is an act that reciprocates and causes men to favour and become answers to your prayer points too





April 11, 2015 - Scientists have discovered that a sizeable minority of women have Y-chromosome gene sequences in their blood. This is interesting because as you may know, Y-chromosomes are the chromosomes that belong to men, so ladies, what are they doing there, and where did they come from?

An obvious answer would be from pregnancy with a male son, every woman who has been pregnant still carries cells from her fetus within her bloodstream. Cells from the pregnancy will reside within the mother's bloodstream and organs for the rest of her life. Even if the pregnancy was terminated or if there was a miscarriage these said genes would remain with the Mother. There is a name for this so-called condition, it is called microchimerism (1), which is named after the Greek chimera, a mythical, monstrous fire-breathing animal that is composed of the parts of three animals a lion, a snake and a goat. Okay so that explains it, well at least it does for the women who have given birth to sons. But what about the women without sons that still had male cells in their bloodstream?

This called for a study (2) that was done by immunologists at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in 2004. In this study they took samples from 120 women who had never had sons. They found that 21% of these women had male DNA. The women were then categorized into 4 groups according to pregnancy history: Group A had only daughters, Group B had had one or more miscarriage(s), Group C had induced abortions and Group D had never been pregnant before. The prevalence of male michrochimerism was considerably greater in Group C although it was still present in each group. Group A 8%, Group B 22%, Group C 57% and Group D 10%.

The conclusions of this study noted that the possible sources of male michrochimerism included, known pregnancies, miscarriages, vanished male twin, or sexual intercourse. This means, that through intercourse alone there is a potential for women to hold onto male genes and DNA within their organs and blood stream for their entire life!

I find this extremely fascinating because a spiritual friend and mentor once told me that every time you sleep with somebody you are taking on a part of them within you. I thought of this as a powerful metaphor, that we were keeping a part of them energetically. Needless to say, it made me reflect on certain things from my past and this whole analogy really made a lot of sense. But, to learn that there is actual scientific proof to back this up and that it is a physical thing, that is more than just energy. The idea that as women we are capable of taking on actual physical DNA from the men that we sleep with, was an extremely eye opening piece of information to stumble across.

This science puts a whole new meaning on sexual intercourse as a whole. It is a very sacred and spiritual act and should be completely regarded as such. A lot of people are misusing sex and have forgotten what it is meant for and how important and consecrated it really is. I know I can speak for many women because as a woman I know what this is like and have had experiences in the past with giving away sex somewhat freely because of insecurity or to please or impress a man without actually even realizing how irresponsible this was. Because at the time, it was just sex, and when you are completely disconnected from yourself, it doesn't seem like it's a big deal. Now being older and more connected to my spiritual self I realize that sex is not something that is meant to be thrown around and given out so freely, it is a sacred act that creates a bond between two people that love and care about each other. It is so important for us (humanity) to realize this. There is a lot of power and amazing potential within this act and it has the complete capability of connecting us with our true selves.

Many of us are holding onto a lot of sexual baggage from our past, it is not my intent to make anyone regret past experiences. Rather, to let go and embrace what the past has taught us and move forward with this knowledge and consider it wisely. With this information I'm sure you will think twice about whom you are ending up in bed with, and at the very least, I'm positive that you'll be sure to use a condom!

Sources and further readings:

© @Lovelift


By KOD.]
Have you ever wondered why God carefully
positioned a membrane of blood in a lady’s
sexual opening? It is a thin thiny membrane
partially or completely covers the opening of
vagina. It is called the “HYMEN”. Why would
God-Our Maker put a breakable tissue full of
blood at the very door of the sexual opening of
the female? Why is it so carefully placed at that
entrance, like a ribbon tied at the entrance of a
new house about to be launched? Why is it
withblood that spills away when it is broken?
Why? Without doubt, the HYMEN IS A GATE!
It was God (our creator) who set that blood-
filled vessel there as a covenant blockage, a
sign and a token of a covenant between the
bearer and whoever plunges into her opening.
Before God, the disvirginity of a lady is not a
casual act of fun. It is a serious covenant struck
and confirmed by the blood shed on that day.
This is God’s way of saying, “Whoever plunges
in to this woman shall only be able to do so by
making a blood covenant to be joined to her for
the rest of his life, from that point onward.
wonder why sexual intercourse was designed by
God to take place only and only after the
marriage contract is sealed. The one who made
the body (the hormones, organs, nerves,
tissues, e.t.c) said it in clear terms in
1Cor.6:13 , “Now, the body is not for
fornication”. Anyone who chooses to use the
body for fornication must know that he/ she is
working directly against God’s plan and there
would definitely be a consequence either now or
at old age!
There is a spiritual bonding, a supernatural
process that takes place in a lady’s heart to the
first guy that enters in to her especially at that
particular time when the hymen breaks. There is
no covenant without blood: this is why the
membrane contains enough of it. As a matter of
fact, what happens the first time a lady has sex
is not just sex but an immersion and a bathing
of the man with her hymen blood to initiate a
covenant that is highly recognized in the spirit
realm of both light and darkness! The first time
this happens just marks her opening day
covenant ceremony and each subsequent
experience goes on to further refresh or
strengthen that covenant or establish another
version of it with another person. Many have
washed useless boys with that hymen-blood.
Many have struck irreversible covenants with
men that have nothing to do with their destiny.
Many have shared that hymen blood in sexual
activity with demon-possessed men while some
others have struck such precious covenants
with candle sticks as they exercised sex with it.
If only they knew,many girls who carelessly
allowed themselves to be disvirgined in a bid to
be among the so called “big girls” would never
have done so.
The Bible says it in clear terms: “Or do you not
know that he who is joined to a harlot (through
sexual activity) is one with her (1 Cor. 6:16).
This is why many girls are not yet married yet
their spiritual composition is already shattered
and imbalanced, because they have mingled
their souls with that of different men. Dear
Singles,know today that there is a definite
proportion of your virtue that leaves you each
time a man enters into you and when that man
leaves you, he leaves with it. Just imagine how
much of yourself would be lost each time a man
enters into you without any properly signed
marriage bond or contract. Sex is a spiritual
affair. A giving of yourself to another. All of
these things have strong and terrible spiritual
A broken hymen opens you up to the spirit of
the man that broke it, any other spirit
whatsoever that may have mingled with that
man’s spirit, those who have mingled theirs
with him and the spirit of any other man that
enters into you thereafter. The fun part of pre-
marital sex is not really funny. What happens in
between the lines could be deadly and
God bless you.